Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation Measurement

CITIE – The Northern Powehouse region

citie2City Initiatives for Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CITIE) provides city policymakers with a resource to help them develop the policy initiatives that catalyse innovation and entrepreneurship in cities.

This report, written by Nesta, Accenture, and Future Cities Catapult, focuses on the performance, potential for innovation, and entrepreneurship in the context of devolution in the Northern Powerhouse region.  It assesses the entrepreneurial ecosystem in six city and combined authority regions in the North of England: Greater Manchester Combined Authority Region, Hull City Region, Liverpool Combined Authority Region, North East Combined Authority Region (incorporating Newcastle and Sunderland), Sheffield City Region Combined Authority and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (incorporating Leeds and Bradford).


The CITIE Framework

Key findings

The characteristics driving higher performance across city regions  are:

  • Having  a clear mandate to lead on innovation:  The critical mass of combined authorities is generating increased leadership capacity and acumen towards innovation and entrepreneurship. City regions are harnessing their unique specialisms and prioritising new ways of doing things, crafting their own destinies.
  • Demonstrating  a willingness to collaborate:  The solutions to city challenges, both internal and external don’ t reside solely in city hall. The leading city regions engage their ecosystem as a valuable resource for ideas, working with entrepreneurs, universities, and their regional and global peers, to share, learn, and jointly develop solutions.
  • Actively curating  the marketplace:  Leading cities actively curate the marketplace and promote innovation growth by providing startups and innovators with the platform, workspace, data, and financial support to develop commercially valuable products and services.

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