Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

Book Chapter: The Transparent Smart City

This book chapter by M. R. Johannessen and L. Berntzen (2017) explores the concept of Transparent Smart City  providing useful insights on how city councils and city administrations can apply smart technology for increased transparency. The authors also provide an overview of available technologies from a case study in Norway.


Transparency is seen as one important property of open government. The growing importance of government transparency is shown through legislation being passed by most democratic countries during the last few decades. Transparency is based on legislation, regulations and other policy documents. Information and communication technology can help improving the transparency of political decision-making. In smart cities, technology can support transparency in a number of ways, ranging from making documents available online to transparency in the decision-making process. The purpose of this chapter is to provide government officials and other interested parties with an overview of the technologies that are available for transparency in smart cities, and to present lessons learned from cases the authors have been involved in. These lessons can be valuable for decision-makers working towards smart city developments.

Cite this chapter

Johannessen M.R., Berntzen L. (2018) The Transparent Smart City. In: Rodríguez Bolívar M. (eds) Smart Technologies for Smart Governments. Public Administration and Information Technology, vol 24. Springer, Cham

  • Read the whole chapter here.